I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is an interesting and very important realisation. Thus I started to pay attention to my hearth.
Thus lately I have been doing an experiment in which I would try to focus on my goals as much as possible and within I was forced to face the temptations which were nothing else but the time wasting and taking me away from my goals. The biggest time wasting things in my life were computer game or doing some senseless things on the computer like Facebook etc., then it was masturbation and sometimes even watching porn. The thing was that I was taking myself to the extremes with trying to achieve my goals or whatever I wanted to do and this was creating a lot of stress in my body and I was discharging this stress through these time wasting activities.
I have also this explanation that my focus on my goals was already changing my reality and the old patterns were fighting for survival and they were literally driving me crazy. And so my fall into the games or masturbation was a desperate try to re-establish the old. I knew that all that I need to do is to hold on and all this uneasiness would disappear but knowing and doing was not aligned in my case.
Anyway in the last couple of days I really got to the point of eliminating almost all of these time wasting activities in my life. And of course I was put to the test by my old patterns. But at the same time this took me to the point where I had to find some solutions. And there came this realisation.
I will continue tomorrow.