I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And so I continue with the quest to reduce/eliminate time wasting activities from my life. At the moment I am focus on not falling for the temptation to play the computer game, check up Facebook or masturbate. I noticed that when I say no to any of these temptations then there is freeing of the energy in my body. And this excess is driving me almost crazy and then I fall for the other of the mentioned temptations. But I know that that this is temporary and all that I need to do is just hold on and this energy will simply fade away. So far today I said no to these temptations. But of course I need to test is over some period of time before I can say that I mastered it.
Today I slept rather a lot. I did some work with a client but then I lied down and I fell asleep. I ma not sure whether my work with the clients has something to do with the sleep. Of course this is not the only element but I realised lately that there is some connection. Another point that contributes to excessive sleep is intensive training at the gym. Not that I did a hard training yesterday but it was more intense than normal and I have slight muscle pains today.
What else ?
Hmmm... I do not know if there is anything else that I could share right now. I go dancing tonight and that is all.