I am catching up with posting online my articles.
The last person from the group of friends and therapists that was part of my life last year has just officially finished with me. We just had conversation after a break of few weeks and it came up that our paths have split. It is no problem. We just go different ways. There is no hard friction or conflict. We just go apart peacefully. This last departure means also that I do not really have any friends in my life now. There is no human being that would be close to me and whom I would consider close friend. Well... there is maybe one person but we do not have that much contact on daily basis.
Does it have any meaning at all ?
Well... at the moment I do not know. I have no problem being alone and spend time on my own. I would not mind to have friends but now I know that that should be someone on my level where we can both enjoy this friendship without compromise and where we can both give each other something valuable ( I do not mean money ) to each other.
Apart from this I repeat the same mistake with the sleep. I slept less last night but later I slept during the day. So there is no change in the point of how long I sleep. Because I spent too much time on the computer ( playing game ) without proper breathing so I lost the calmness in the mind. So I guess I have to start again to be able to regain it. I need to go back to the absolute focus on my goal.