I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Lately I had days when I slept a lot at night and then I also slept during the day. I was doing my mental exercises and quite often I fell asleep. It is that altogether I had a lot of sleep lately. But this did not make any difference to how I feel and how I look. My eyes are still puffy and I can not say that I would feel really rested and full of energy when I slept so much. The big difference comes only lately when I started to do a lot of meditation and mental exercises. Then I feel somehow a stability in me.
As I said I slept a lot but still I did not feel fully rested. So now I want to see what will happen if I do not sleep. Well... I want to see how long I can stay without sleep. I do not have any appointments with my clients in the next couple of days and so I can try to do this experiment. I plan not to sleep and do a lot of my exercises ( breathing and mental ). I want to preserve silly loses of energy. I want to see if I can generate energy from breathing and keep my body rested without sleep.
Last time I had sleep was about 8 hours ago. Now it is 3 am. I go now to do my meditation.
One thing that I want to mention here. Being awake so long will challenge me in the sense that I will not know what to do with my time. It will be like never ending. I need to breathe and maintain focus. There is no external motivation. There is nobody encouraging me to do it. It is only myself and my experiment. Once I already said that I see sleep as an addiction. And I might face the withdrawal like any other addict. I have seen it in my family and we will see how I cope with it. Although I do not have to experience it. In the end it is all in my head.