I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I did too much of my mental exercises and I feel like my brain is overworked. Literally I have pain in the brain. So today I did not do much with my exercises. I tried to relax and let the things flow. This is something important because it shows me that I doing a lot is not necessarily better and it does not mean that it will get me faster to the final.
What else ?
Well... I did some work. I went to the gym and I plan to go dancing tonight.
Apart from this I start to see the play of the opposites between people ( especially men ) who train hard in the gym to get bigger but they are never big enough because in their head they see themselves small. Even the biggest and the strongest body builders who take steroids see themselves as not big enough. And then we have people ( especially women ) who go into the opposite extreme ( anorexia ) who think that they too big although they are already dangerously skinny.
So this is part of my observations of people who do a lot of physical exercises but I am not really seeing beautiful people with harmoniously and beautifully developed body. And this observation of people around me is part of my experiment of how achieve this beautiful body myself.