I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is late afternoon. I write my article now because I do not want to leave it as the last thing of the day and apart from this I want to be done with it. Now I am free and I want to dedicate rest of the day to do my meditation, as well as breathing and mental exercises.
Today I did some work but in general the day was rather easy and quiet for me. And I like it. But I do not know what to write about.
I still do not make any progress with the sleep. I do not always wake up with the alarm but the most important failure is that I do not get out of bed when I manage to wake up. And so I fell asleep. I start doing my exercises but most of the time I fall asleep.
I am looking at the point of exercising at the gym. I see the people ( including myself ) how they train but it is very uncommon to see any person who would reach this perfect shape and muscular body apart from those who take steroid and other performance enhancing substances. And I am asking myself the question about the sense in doing exercises ?! Well... not like this. Definitely there is benefit for myself and my body from doing the exercises and my body shape is rather nice but just doing the exercises does not give me the possibility to have the dream body. So I ask myself about what is missing here ? What else I must do to have these perfect body ?
And I will leave this question unanswered because today I have no answer. Obviously I will investigate this topic but for now I have nothing else to say.