I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I spent a lot of time doing my meditation. I am looking for some definite practical results that I could achieve through meditation. And so I plan to do it for the next few days and maybe up to 3 weeks. Though doing so much meditation gives the temptation to do more and ignore other things. But I have already been there and so I do some physical activity like exercises, dance or work to keep balance.
You'll know... this thing with wanting to have some practical results comes from the point that I noticed when I talk with other people that I use examples of others. And I should be using my own practical examples. So right now this is my focus. Otherwise I do not want to tell other people about what they should be doing to get better etc.
I think this is all about the experiment with positivity. Previously I did not achieve any significant results and now I take it 1 level higher to see if that is going to be effective.
Apart from this I do not know what I could write.