I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It was interesting to see that I woke up for the appointment this morning without a problem although I could not fall asleep last night and I slept only 2 hours. So maybe I should go back to the short sleep routine ? Anyway later I allowed myself to get a 1.5 hrs sleep.
What else ?
I do not know. There is nothing really happening here. It is early afternoon and I write this article now as I plan to go dancing later. Yes... as you can see finally I got back into dancing. I really enjoy it and I do not want to stop it like I did last year.
In regards to the conversation with my friend last night there is another point that I realised. He was just an example of how the people from the group have to go through the digesting and transforming all that happened last year. My friend still needs some time. And so others do. Anyway at this moment it would not be possible for us to work together. There is still too much friction. And even as a friend I need to keep him on certain distance from me as I see some judgments towards me.
And again this is another article without a meaningful content. But well... this is like this at this moment of my life.