I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had an intensive day at work. It was good in regards to earning money but if I was to make the decision free from money then I would split it into 2 days because that is too much stress on the body. Anyway this is my job and at this point this is how the things function. Sometimes I have to do more and sometimes less.
Because this was an intensive day then I used extra time for sleep. And I did not go to the gym.
Today I feel out of balance. And this is the perfect moment to get myself to do the meditation to try to come back to the center. I do not feel like doing it but I will... no matter what.
What else ?
I see that this dip in my energy levels is not only related to work but I realised that yesterday I spent a lot of time on the computer but my breathing was not effective. Before I did good breathing for couple of days and my body got used to it. And then suddenly I stopped. And I know that this is not a good way to do it.