I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I spent most of the day in front of the computer. There is movement on the investing markets and I was observing it and opening new positions. The very important question that I want to ask myself is why I have not bought the asset that is moving up ? No... I need to formulate it differently because I bought this asset that is moving sharply up but then I sold it early with small loss. So why I did not keep it ? Why don't I make profit ?
Something is not working here correctly. I dedicated a lot of time to this project and lately it is not giving me the results that I was expecting. But at the same time I see some messages and lessons for me related to abundance. The main one is that my abundance cannot be defined and dependant on the success with investing.
What else ?
Today I did not do any exercises or anything special. I also did less of my meditation exercises. But at the same time I realised that I can be more relaxed about my exercises. The discipline is an important point but at the same time there is no need to live under the regime of this discipline. I do not have to follow the 24 hrs day structure. And I can do the meditation within different time frame or when I feel it. This is a small but very important realisation.