I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is getting busy at work. I am very pleased with this because I have been on holidays and I was not earning any money while I have my fixed expenses.
Today I slept during the day between the appointments to get this extra rest and prepare myself for the treatments. Then I went to the gym. And the most important is that I did my meditation ( the full version if I can name it like this ) and I felt really good afterwards. So I need to put this on my priority list. But at the same I realise that I do not have to do it 2 or 3 times a day or do it for many hours. I just do it regularly and when I feel that I am out of the center then I have a tool in my hands to get myself back together.
What else ?
Ah... yesterday I went dancing again. It is so nice. I should not stop it like I did last year.
That is all for today.