I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I went late to bed last night and so I slept until almost midday. Then I did some things around the house ( cleaning and organizing things ). Soon I plan to go dancing.
This thing with dancing is interesting because after I did the intensive course during my holidays I start to look at the point of feeling the music and dancing with it rather then just doing the technical figures that I learned in the classes. And this is a very important point ( I do not remember if I have already shred it here ) because in the past I had really big issue with expressing myself freely through dance. Now it becomes more free although I am still in the process of assimilating it within my being. Apart from this I see that I am entering into the creative phase when I start to look for new moves within my mind and understand them rather then looking for new moves from other people. And this is what I was looking for for a long.
What else ?
My work starts to normalize. It is a low season but I start to get inquiries and I should be able to earn enough money to cover my expenses.
This is all for now as I get ready for dancing. I am curious about how I will feel today getting out of the comfort zone of my home.