I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Yesterday I wrote that I push myself out of comfort zone. And it is interesting what happened afterwards. Thus after I wrote my article I decided to go dancing. I was making the decision and I was aware of the comfort of being in my own home. But then when drove my car I started to feel uneasiness. I realised quickly that it was related to this point of going out of the comfort zone. What was beyond my comfort zone was going to a new place and meet new people not knowing if I would be accepted or if I find myself in the group. I could have easily turn my car and go back home. I did not give the power to this thoughts and feelings. I continued to drive and I went to the dance class and party afterwards. And it was all good and I really enjoyed it.
Today I slept a lot during the day as I finished my dancing rather late and I was tired. Later I did some work with clients. There I low season here and there is not so much work. But then I am also a bit more passive in searching for more work. I just wait till somebody calls me. But probably next week I try to be more active and find more clients. Or maybe I will start doing marketing online.
What else ?
I am not effective with the sleep. The breathing exercises do not help me to sleep less. My meditation is not as effective as it used to be couple of months ago. I am asking myself a lot of questions and questioning some of my beliefs, habits, methods and ways of living. For example I start to question my beliefs related to nutrition and exercises. And this questioning will take me to the point when most probably I discard some of these beliefs.