I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Right now I am watching the football game between Russia and Croatia in the quarter finals of the World Cup. Somehow I feel that Russians emanate strong energy and I would be inclined that they would win this game. They were behind in the extra time but I was certain that they would at least equalize. And so it happened. Now they are preparing for the free penalty shots. So we will see how it goes. Everybody says that penalty shots is a lottery and a matter of luck. But as I said I feel that the energy is stronger on the side of Russians.
Right now the Russians are behind.
Russians equalize in the shots.
Russians are behind.
Croatia had luck and they are in front.
Croatia is in front. This is deciding shot for Russia.
Deciding shot for Croatia. If they score then they are in the semi-finals.
Well... Croatia has won. My feeling was not correct.
What does it mean ? Well... lately I have been investigating this point of feeling and intuition.
That is all for today.