I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I wanted to write the article now but I am going to play football soon thus I need to get ready. I will finish my article later.
Wow... I had so much fun playing football. I will try to do it again before I leave this place though we will see as there is probability of rain in the next couple of days. I had one little incident ( foul ) while playing and probably I will have a bruise on my leg in the next couple of day. But it does not matter. I had a lot of fun playing.
What else ?
I did today again some work around the house and the garden helping my mother. And of course I ate tons of fresh tasty fruits from the garden. This is better than any holidays in the most luxurious hotel.
Now I will do meditation and maybe some dance practice. And I will go to sleep. This was my another day in paradise.