I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is more and more visible that I prefer to spend time by myself because then I can focus completely on my projects. I am on holidays and it is good to see my family but then I do not have enough time for myself and my projects. And thus my plan that I made for my holidays will not be completed. I do some things like meditation but altogether it is much less than I wished.
Today I went to visit my family - uncles and cousins. We had a chat together. But there were also moments when I was just listening and it was interesting to see the difference in our lives and interests. They live simple life in the country side and I am out there doing my studies and experiments with meditation, healing etc. Both ways of living are perfect though it is interesting to see that although we come from the same roots we are in such different points in life.
What else ?
Tomorrow we plan to play football game with my cousins. We do it together almost every time when I come here. Last time I had so much fun doing it. And I hope to enjoy it again tomorrow.