I am catching up with posting online my articles.
In terms of yesterday's realisation it goes much further than just dance. This thing with following the inner feeling and doing things accordingly was present in the life of the greatest artists, geniuses etc. And so I see that the same rules applies to basically any thing in my life from making love with another person to doing my work. Whenever I manage to reach this level in whatever I do then I become a master and genius in whatever I do as whatever I do in the particular moment is utterly perfect and it cannot be compared to anybody else.
But... at this moment this is just a realisation. It is important that I came to it. But as long as I do not apply it and live it practically then it will stay as just the knowledge and just the realisation, which will fade away with the time. I know that it will stay with me forever but if I do not use it then it will stay dormant.
What else ?
Today was another intensive day and night filled with dancing. It is nice but at the same time this is a little bit too much and I see the consequences of tiredness. But it is ok. I see that this couple of intensive days will give me a kick start after the long break from dancing.