I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I dedicated a lot of hours to investing. The market is at the moment in crucial moments and I wanted to monitor the development of the situation. And so I did not do much more apart from this. Well... I did some work with a client and I did couple of other things but this was not like the other days. But there is interesting observation. This is not just about the time. The monitoring of the market is an active participation in what is going on and that uses quite a lot of energy. And I do not feel like doing other things also because or maybe mainly because of this.
I know that few days ago I was asking myself the question whether the results from the investing justify the effort that I put into it. Well... lately I made couple of correct decisions and predictions and thus I do not want to give up on it. By the way I am also monitoring it at night as I am preparing to make the move and I am waiting for an optimal moment.
That is all for today.