Catching up with my JTL articles

It took me less than 48 hours to catch with posting online my articles from the last 9 months. It is not much but yet it was a big job to do. Not long ago I had some thoughts asking myself about the sense in doing it. Because I doubt that anybody is reading my articles anyway. I have made my commitment to write the articles and I want to keep it but I was questioning the sense of posting them online. But once it is done it I am glad that I did it.

I still have left just over 10 months of daily writing. I see that lately it is difficult for me to find the topics to write about and the content is rather poor apart from the days when I come to some interesting realisations and I share it. But now it is not any more so much about the content. I try to write good quality articles every time but now it is more about making it till the end. I still have 10 months to go. I would like to finish it correctly in a sense that I would write my articles every day till the end.

In the beginning I was full of ideas in terms of topics that I wanted to write about. But I did not think then that there will come the point when I would struggle to write something because I ran out of the new ideas. Apart from this there are also moments when writing is the last thing that I wish to do because it is late at night and I am tired and exhausted from work and other things. And in those moments trying to think about some new ideas is even more difficult. Thus my priority right now is to make it till the end although many of the articles are written with some silly things just to fill up the page with words.


Written: 2018 - June - 11   Published: 2018 - June - 25      © Copyright - Greg Wiater