I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It was another day when I dedicated a lot of time to dance practice. And I am happy with it as I made another significant progress. I wanted also to do something with other projects but in the end it does not matter. When I look at the greater picture I see that I made today a significant progress and now I have that much less to do. In the next days I will concentrate exclusively on other tasks and I will make another significant step forward. And that's it.
Apart from dancing I managed to go to the gym.
When I comes to breathing I see that it is better. I did not do as much as I wanted last night as I fell asleep but I already see that difference. I still need to improve on the efficiency of my meditation.
I have not written lately anything about my progress with investing. Well... this project does not go too well lately. The market is stagnant and heavily manipulated and I do no make any significant profits at this moment. There were moments when I was in tune with the market and I was doing great but now I am not so certain what is going to happen with the whole market.
So that is all. There is not so much happening in my life now. My ship is on the quiet waters. Though I like. The only thing is that when I do not have any realisations then it is difficult to write something new every day.