I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I did not have to work. Now it is quiet season. I have dedicated a big part of my day to practice of dancing. I made a big step forward in these last 2 days. I still need about 2-3 days of practice but at least now I feel confident to go to the dance party. I know my moves and I can confidently play with it. I am very pleased that finally I got out of stagnation and did this practice after relatively long break from dancing. This is something that I really enjoy and it would be sad if I did not not follow this joy. But tomorrow I need to take it easier with the practice. First of all I need to attend clients and secondly I cannot allow to have prolonged breaks from the gym.
Apart from this I do not know what else I could write.
Ahh... here it is... once I have more time for myself I feel like my meditation get stronger. And also my way of thinking and being is more centred if I could say so. Yes... there is definitely a difference. But well... at this moment I still have to work to sustain myself in the system and I need to dedicate certain part of my resources to work at the cost of other things.
Anyway now it is time to meditate. So this is all for today.