I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I did not have any work and I wanted to start with posting online my JTL articles. But unfortunately my computer mouse got broken and I could not do any work done. Thus I went to the shopping centre to buy one. I also used this occasion to get away from my home and my surrounding as lately I spent a lot of time there and thus I took my time. In the end I only did my dancing practice but no other project/activities. I also took a break from meditation today.
I hope tomorrow I will start working on posting online my JTL and I will also do my other projects as I do not have any appointments. This may change in a moment but otherwise I will do it.
I do not have anything else to write today. I just live my life day by day and I enjoy that my ship is on quiet waters where I have my stability to work on my projects in my own time.
It is getting late and there is no sense in sitting in front of the computer thinking about something that I could write. This is a very short article but well.. this is all for today.