I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It was a rather easy day. I was not so effective when it comes to work but I needed to have some rest. I did some work and later I went to the beach for a while. And in the afternoon I had a longer sleep. I was not so tired but somehow I stayed in bed and I slept for about 3 hours. Now it is late at night and obviously I am not really tired. Anyway it does not matter. I think that this lazy day was good for me.
Now I have couple of topics that I would like to write about but I leave it for another day. I just don't feel like writing about it now.
It looks like now it is going to be a little bit less work. So I will have more time for my projects.
I did not do any exercises today. As I said this was a lazy day.
Today I had an appointment with the client who made such a big improvement last week. But today he was not good at all. He had a lot of pain almost like in the beginning when we started the treatments. It is disappointing but at the same time this is something normal. His muscles, bones ( specially spine ) are not in line and it will take some time before they get back in place and stay there. His pains that came back were most probably the result that the bones got out of place and started to press on the nerves in the spine causing him a lot of discomfort. He got better today after the treatment but I want to see whether this improvement holds.
Now I go to sleep.