I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had one appointment in the morning. I did not feel fit to do it but I did. Somehow I was struggling but in the end it was a very good session. The client was very happy. The rest of the day was free from work but I did not use it to rest effectively. I spent most of the time on the computer playing game and watching film. No exercises today.
In the evening I had an interesting experience. It was about 15 minutes before I should start doing the meditation and I already felt some movements of energy around me. Maybe that was one of my colleagues starting the meditation earlier and I felt or maybe it was something else. In any case it got me up and do the meditation with excitement. I was not bothered with tiredness or anything like that. It was a state of uplifting or something like this. It was a state that I reach during good meditations.
Tomorrow again I have appointment in the morning and I will try to not accept any more work. I need this time for myself.
I guess this is all for today. I go to sleep now.