I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And so I managed to spend some time in the nature. I wished to have more time for it but still these 2 hours helped me greatly to recharge my batteries. But it did not last for too long though. I started to go down during the session with my client. This is a warning sign. Tomorrow I have only 1 appointment and I will not accept any more. I really need time for myself.
Although I am struggling with keeping myself fit for the treatments I had a nice situation today when my client told me that last time we have made a huge improvement in his condition. He points out that this was the last treatment that did the magic but I know that this was only possible as we did already few treatments and the client himself put a lot of effort into it by doing lots of exercises, stretching etc. So I was very pleased with this message today.
I did not do any sport or dancing today as this would be too much for me.
I do not have anything else to share. And I really need to do something about my low levels of energies.