I am catching up with posting online my articles.
About 2 weeks ago I expected that there will be less work as we are entering the quiet season. But then I have so much work as if this was a high season. And it looks like I will continue to work without a day off for at least few more days. Because I notice that the tiredness in my body accumulates I reduce other activities. And I also allow myself to sleep a lot. Basically I try to sleep as much as I can whenever I have break between my appointments. At the moment I see it effective and I will continue doing it until I find a different more effective way of dealing with the accumulation of tiredness.
Not sure what else I could write. I did not do any exercises today. Just the meditation. I do not like it but then this is the nature of my work. It is unpredictable and I need to accept most of the appointments as they come. Especially now in the quiet season as I do not know how it is going to be with work next week.
I think I will finish my article here.