I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had a day off as my appointment was cancelled. But that is no problem. I went to the beach and I enjoyed it. That is a second night in the row when I sleep less. I think that may be the result of the meditation exercises done regularly. We will see how it goes further. In the morning I went for a run. It was rather intensive. I still plan to do my exercises at home this evening.
I know that in the last couple of months my articles look like my dairy of what I do. There is not much of realisations. There is almost no self-forgiveness like it was intended to be in the beginning. But well... this how it is at this moment and I do my best to keep up with my commitment of daily writing for 7 years. But then although I do not write much about my realisations I have many small things and changes which are part of my process. They are minute and seem insignificant to write about but in the end they sum up and bring me up to the point of major realisations. I am certainly in the continuous process of self-realisation and self-perfection.
What else ?
I am entering into the slower season at work. We will see how it will look like. Taking into consideration that lately I had a bit less work most probably I will have even less now. It does not have to be this way but in any case it does not matter as I will dedicate this time to promote and move my other projects.