I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Not sure what to write. Last night a had a very long sleep. I woke up in the morning but I stayed in bed and eventually I got up close to midday.
Today I had a client who's child got a depression from a shocking experience. This was a rather difficult and prolonging depression and eventually the doctors had prescribed the antidepressants. I feel very sorry for this child as it will have long term complications if it does not stop it soon. The mother has been already informed about it by other therapists and she will try to get her child of these medications gradually. The child has already put on 15 kg weight as a result of these medications. And this is just one of side effects. The other one is that mother noticed that her child is not the same any more. This is to me obvious as the medications change the chemistry and kill the brain. Anyway I hope that now the mother will do something about it.
No exercises today. One of the reasons was that I woke up late and then I had work. So I decided to preserve the energy for my work.
One thing with the sleep is that having so much sleep helps me to recover my energy and then I do better treatments.
This is all for today.