I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had a busy and physically intensive day at work. But I managed it very good as lately I have enough time for myself and relaxation. And thus I feel strong. I even went to the gym in the evening after work. The only thing is that I did not go for a run on the beach in the morning. And I also did not do meditation in the morning. Well... I did the short version but I am not content with it.
Anyway in the gym I noticed that I am getting stronger. Today I could lift much heavier weights than in the last couple of weeks. I am very pleased with it.
Unfortunately I do not know what else I could write. It is getting late and I want to do my meditation before I go to sleep.
So I guess this will be all for today.
I just finished my meditation. I should not have left it as the last thing at night. I struggle to concentrate and relax. I am falling asleep.