I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And so this is another day when I do not know what to write. I am getting busy with work and I have not done any posting of my JTL articles. But then I also should say that this is an excuse as there is almost every day time to do at least couple of them. But I postpone it for later and they continue to accumulate.
In the morning I decided to do some exercises at home. There was some resistance but I did it anyway and once I started to do it then the resistance disappeared.
And again today I did wonderful massage session. It is worth to mention as 3 days ago my treatment for the person doing review of my services was not optimal.
It is getting late. I have wonderful meditations lately but I do not manage to get quicker progress through accumulative effect of building more energy in my body. I manage to build up the energy but later I burn it too quickly on other things.