I am catching up with posting online my articles.
2 days ago I did a massage who was writing reviews for travellers. Unfortunately something happened and the massage was not as good as usual. And how can you say that the review is going to be fair if I did 2 wonderful and exceptionally good sessions since then ?
What else ?
Today I had a day off from exercises. Though I went to see one of my friends whom I have not seen for few months. It was interesting to hear that I look slimmer. This is surprising to hear as in reality I have got 2-3 more kilos since then. This is the result of the training and now my body is more compact ( that why is seems to be smaller ) although heavier at the same time. If I stopped now training for about 10 days my muscles will loosen up and gain the volume and people would start to say that I look big and muscular.
My meditation was really nice today. I did it twice and on both occasions was great. It is really refreshing and literally uplifting for me. It feels as if my cells were trying to lift up. It is a very interesting experience.