I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had hangover-like symptoms. I felt tired and then also my eyes were dry. I am not sure why I had it. One possibility is that I train too much and there is a deficit of some nutrients. Or I spent too much time on the computer yesterday. Right in this moment I cannot say. Maybe it was my work. Or maybe I do not breathe correctly.
Today I was asking myself whether there is the need for me to continue doing meditation twice a day. I mean the reason for doing meditation was to concentrate on the positivity. And that is fine but during doing it I discovered that I feel more empowered after doing the meditations. So I guess there is not reason to stop doing something that makes me feel stronger and empowered. It is just like doing physical exercises. The only thing is that I should not fall into the trap that this is an obligation or a mean to get me achieve something that is not me. Simply speaking I need to avoid falling into the trap of creating an illusion in my mind. And so discipline of doing things regularly every day is ok but I can also have a break and make a big deal about it. I should also not be falling into the trap of running to do the meditation every time I am in a state like today when I have hangover like symptoms.
So this is an interesting observation. The discipline is good but once it turns itself into obsession and fear of missing something then I loose the benefits of it.
Thus my decision today is not to meditate like I normally do but rather do something spontaneously.