I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I did not post any JTL articles as I was busy with work and other things. Lately it has been less work but now it starts to be busy again. But it does not mean that I will leave posting my articles indefinitely. I will try to do at least something every day. Now it is late but I got idea that I do at least 2 article and in this way it will be less.
Today I did not do exercises. Though this is allowed as I went to the gym yesterday.
Today I also had a conversation with one of my ex-colleagues about the project that failed last year. It was surprising to see that today we talked about starting it again. We'll see how it goes. But one thing is clear that we are not going to repeat the same mistakes. We are going to be more effective.
Tonight I will set up alarm clock for 4 hours and I will try to do meditation then.
I have nothing else to say now.