I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I just got an idea in regards to the point with the sleeping more than usual. I start to suspect that this may have something to do with drinking coffee. It is not really that I need the coffee to keep me awake. It does not really give me the kick. I could drink a cup of coffee late at night and go to sleep without a problem. I basically drink it socially. And lately I have been drinking it more regularly - almost every day, which makes me to think that this may affect my sleep.
In which way does it affect my sleep ?
It is that somehow I feel that this is too strong/harsh for my body. As such it does not give me any symptoms but still there is something could be related to my sleep. I had these thoughts on couple of occasions already but I did not follow them up. But I will now stop drinking coffee for 3 weeks and I will see how it all goes.