I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I do not know what to write. Right at the moment I do not see any sense in writing these articles. Maybe if I had some important realisations to share it would be different but most of the time for the last couple of months do not know what to write and I just write to fill up the space. I have still a year of writing left and I will do my best to conclude it although I do not see the sense in doing it. It does not matter. I just do it.
Although I had an intensive training in the gym yesterday I went for a run on the beach this morning. I really like getting up in the morning. I see that the difficulty with getting up in the morning comes go with the point that my window is facing west and so I do not get much light in the morning. And so I stay longer in bed. In any case I will try to get up more regularly and go for a run or a walk on the beach. I really enjoy it.
Today I invited a friend of mine to try my new experiment in the meditation room. He really liked it and now he also wants to have it in his house. So I will prepare it for him.
That is all for today.