I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I recap my situation in regards to my history with physical exercises. I have been active in terms of doing some kind of physical exercises basically for my whole life. As a child I was playing with other kids. Then in school I got involved with the special sport class which was sponsored by a local football club and the sport become part of my daily routine. Then in the high school I was going with the trend and I got involved with basketball. Then at the university I started to do gym and basically I have continued with it for over 20 years. I had some short breaks in between but in general I could say that I have been doing it for this whole time.
I was always very ambitious and apart from sports I was also doing other things like dancing, yoga etc. and I was also working on different projects. In the last couple of years I was busy with setting up a healing center. I was doing a lot of things myself to organize everything. I was doing even my own websites which was a demanding and time consuming task. When I had most of the basic things in place I started to get involved other people in the projects. Unfortunately these people did not understand this idea behind this project and they did not put their heart into it. And I ended up doing a lot things to organize the project and additionally I had to take care of these people in a sense of trying to secure their financial situation through organizing work for them and promoting them on the website etc.
This lack of 100% involvement together with the friction which arose among the group, lead us eventually to the break. I was disappointed but at the same time I felt relieved. All of this burden has fallen of my shoulders and finally I could have time for myself. And this point with the free time for me is very important. Thus I decided to take things easy and bring the harmony into to my work and rest relationship. No more working 7 days a week but starting to take days off. I dedicated some articles to this point because having a day off was something extraordinary.