I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I was busy with work today. But I started something new. Well... it is not new but I had a break from it for over a year. Anyway today I started to dance again. First I need to go over some figures at home because I have forgotten already a lot but this is an important moment. The only thing is that I did not do exercises today. I had more work but I also wasted some time on silly things. Hmm... as a matter of fact it was an experiment. I should be able to see the results in couple of days.
Today I did a little bit more research which further confirmed that recent falls in bitcoin and other cryptocurrency markets were manipulated and the the rich and powerful people will gradually take control over this market. This was supposed to help people to get away from the control of banks and governments ( I think that was the idea of the person who invented bitcoin ) but it looks like this is not going to happen. The market crash was orchestrated so that the banks and rich people can buy the cryptocurrencies cheap. At some point the prices will go up again and then bitcoin may reach 30, 50 or even over 100 thousands dollars. But the big part of the profit will stay in the hands of the banks and the rich ones. You'll know... the point is that as long as people do not change themselves on the inside then it does not matter how wonderful idea somebody has to help people. If people give their power away and they abuse themselves then it will be reflected in the governments and en economic system which is abusive. This what is happening with bitcoin now is just continuation of the abuse.