I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I had a rather easy day when it comes to work. But I was not as effective with other things. It has been already about 3 days without doing exercises and it is getting harder for me to get myself motivated again. But I will do something tonight no matter what. I already did one set but I want to do more.
Not sure what else I could write.
I just took a break and I went to do my meditation. It was very enjoyable and empowering. I know that I should be doing it regularly in the morning and then in the evening but for this I would have to find the stability with my sleep.
It is interesting that I lost interest in doing the exercises. It is almost midnight so I am not surprised by it either. But at least I did my meditation and I prefer to skip my exercises rather than the other one. Anyway I want to get up in the morning and go for a run on the beach. It is so interesting to observe this struggle within me and overcoming it. It gives me more understanding of the laziness in me and in humans in general.