I am catching up with posting online my articles.
In the last couple of days I was learning on Youtube from an experienced investor / trader about investing strategies. In couple of his videos he explained how professional trading firms are using special computer software which literally gives them control into their hands of what is going to happen with the prices. And in the last 2 days I could see clearly this thing in action in trading with the cryptocurrency. Thus in certain intervals the price goes suddenly and sharply up or down which again is followed by the same spike at the later point.
I started to see this type of behaviour last year when "Wall Street" officially got involved with Bitcoin trading in December. I saw these patterns in the charts but I did not understand it. But now I do and I see clearly how the rich are manipulating the prices and sucking the “blood” out of the poor ones.
Now... what proof do I have that this is real and not a coincidence ?
This type of trading techniques is illegal ( at least I think it is as this would be the common sense ) but of course I will not be able to proof anything officially to anybody. I cannot denounce anybody and basically nobody can do nothing about it.
I should not be surprised by it at all. We live in the system where the money rules and those with the big money take advantage of their privileged position.
The question now remains about me and what will I do about my investing ?
The first instinct tells me to get out of this because I do not know what is going to happen. Well... not exactly like this. I know that there is manipulation and that there will be sudden spikes. The only thing is that I do not know the direction. Or I can reduce the risk by waiting for the opportunity when the market prices are really low and then I will reduce the probability of the prices going down further as the spikes will go in the upward direction. There is also a possibility to invest in the market niches where the manipulations are less likely to happen as the big money people have no interest.