I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I was just about to turn off my computer and I realised that I still have not written my JTL article. Anyway I do not know what I could write about. This is the second day when I do not feel at my best. There is some kind of stagnation in my body. Maybe this is caused by spending too much time on the computer ?
Today I did not do any exercises as I had my day filled with a lot of work and I did not want to put more stress on my body. And I think that this is absolutely a right decision.
What else ?
I do not know.
I spoke today with my mother long time trying to convince to do something to improve her life and health. But it is not easy to get to her although I see some tiny changes in her. I face a very similar situation with my clients so it is somehow becoming discouraging and demotivating for me. Somehow it feels like there is no sense even in trying. Not that I will stop trying but it feels like there is no sense in it.
I finish it here as I do not know what else I could write.