I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Yesterday during the day I slept a lot but this did not disturb my sleep at night at all. I woke 1 hour earlier than usual but in the end it was like a normal night sleep. In the morning I went for a run. I did a different routine and I cannot compare it directly with other days but still I can easily say that it was more intensive. I am getting stronger and I make a progress.
Then I did some work during the day ( I hit my daily limit in terms of working hours ) but this did not stop me from doing more exercises in the evening. This time it was at home and it was also more intensive than the other days.
So this was a rather intensive day when it comes to physical activity but today I felt strong. Probably this has to do with the point that I slept a lot yesterday and my body had a good rest. Of course I realise that there is this possibility to find a different way and method to give my body a rest without so much sleep and I am in the process of finding it. In any case I am pleased that I felt strong today and this point brings a smile on my face.
As you see from my articles my focus right now is on doing physical exercises. But this is not all. Equally important for me is doing my mental exercises ( meditation, reading books etc. ) but I do not write so much about it unless I have some interesting realisations that I want to share with you.
I guess this is all for today.