I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I do not understand at the moment what is going on in my life. Today I slept so much during the day. First of all I snoozed in the morning and I woke up around 9am. Although it was a good excuse and I thought that it is too late and there are too many people on the way, I got up and I went for a run on the beach. The run is getting easier every day and I get more motivated by it.
Anyway... afterwards I went home. I ate something and I started to read the book. I did not have any appointments today so I could take it easy. After reading couple of chapters I lied down and I fell asleep. Then I got up and did some check up on the computer. I ate something again and I went to read the book. And again after reading few chapters I lied down in bed and I fell asleep.
Now it is 10 pm and the day has gone. I will eat something now and afterwards I will do my meditation. I do not know if it will be easy for me to fall asleep. But if I have the problem I will read the book. You'll know... this is the thing that the book that I read is very challenging to the whole concept of our life and I would venture to say that my whole body and brain needs to readjust to these concepts. I know that I wrote about it already but I do not have any other explanation to it at the moment. Maybe I am wrong about it. Maybe this is an excuse not to face something in my life. I will see it with the time.