I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today it was very difficult for me to get myself to do the exercises. Eventually I did it but not the full set. It is amazing to see how I have to get over the excuses and get myself to do something which takes me out of the comfort zone. And there is no external motivation !!! So I have to find the strength from within. And those who have faced those moments in their life know that this is one of the most difficult things to do. Of course with the time it is getting easier as long as we practice it regularly. But the first moments are extremely difficult as we have to break the pattern of giving our power away and act as a result of external factors ( money, power, ego, sex etc. ).
OK... so I broke through it and eventually I did the exercises. But what now ? Will I have to always of push myself so hard to do the exercises ?
It is a good question. I do not know. For now I would think that this will change with the time. Or maybe I will find a different way of doing exercises so that it is more enjoyable. I now that this will change when I start going to the gym. Because there is something different. Once I go to the gym then I do the exercises and that's it. But then I could say that the gym is like an external motivation factor. This point starts to open as I write it. I decided not to go to the gym for now as this is an external motivation factor. And thus I will continue doing exercises at home on my own until I break though the resistance to do things of my own decision ( self-movement ).
Here comes the question:
Why doing the exercises must be so painful ?
I want to grow my muscles so I do the exercises ( weight lifting ) to stimulate the muscles growth. But this makes the body tired and provokes the pain later, which makes me to face the point of not wanting to do the exercises. Is there a way to do the exercises in joyful way and be effective in reaching the goal of muscle growth ? Is there no other effective method than "NO PAIN NO GAIN" ?
This is interesting. But I have no answer at this moment.