I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had work but at the same time my day was easy. I do not accept easily any new responsibilities and so the craziness of being overloaded is not there any more. But still I did not do my exercises today. I left it for later but later my muscles were a bit sore and I did not do it. I will try to go for a run in the morning tomorrow. I am observing myself how I deal with doing things without having any sort of external motivation. Every step needs to be done as my decision from within. And I have to learn how to be disciplined and not to give my power to the excuses.
What else ?
I continue to sleep a lot. And one thing is clear. A lot of sleep does not make me to feel that much better than sleeping less. So why do I allow myself to sleep so much if that is not helping ? Well... it is because I tried in the past with sleeping less and it did not give me that what I wanted to achieve from it.
I do not know what else I could write and it is very late now. So I will finish it here.