I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Hmmm... Today I had a day without work. But again I slept a lot. You'll know... I get really sleepy after reading my books. I read some spiritual books and then I try to reflect it and integrate into my life. And it looks like this process of integration causes this sleepiness. Probably it is that my body ( brain, cells, DNA etc. ) need to readjust to it and the best way to do it is in sleep. I could compare it to a situations when somebody gets healed and then this person also sleeps a lot. Or maybe it is escape of my mind because it resists the change ? I would have to take it to the test for at least few days and see how I am.
Today in the morning I went for a run on the beach. It was a short run but I want to start easy as it has been long time since I have done it. Anyway this a progress with my exercises. I challenge myself to go further. Though I have not done any more during the day as my muscles are a little bit sore and they need rest.
What else ?
Right now I am facing the feeling of not knowing what to do with myself. There is something like an excess of energy in my body ( especially in the legs ) that needs to escape but it cannot and builds up the pressure, which gives me the sensation of not knowing what to do with myself. So there is a temptation to masturbate and ejaculate because this would release the valve and allow the excess of energy to escape or as a second option I could do some physical exercises. But then there is also the 3rd option which seems to be less attractive. By saying less attractive I mean that I do not feel like doing it. And this is going and do try to transform this energy in meditation. And this is interesting because I want to burn this energy through movement ( exercises, masturbation ) and then meditation is the opposite - calming myself down and relaxing. This thing with I do not feel like doing is for me an indication this is the most appropriate thing to do.