I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Hmmmm... I do not know what to write. Although during the day there was something that caught my attention but now I don't remember what it was.
In the morning I woke up feeling really good in my body. I think that was in some way related to the point of doing more intensive exercises and my body started to produce more hormones to regenerate and grow my muscles which gave me the "feeling good" sensation. But still later in the morning I lied down on the sofa and I fell asleep again. And then again in the afternoon. I do not know why I slept so much. I am going through profound changes in my life and this could be the reason. Well... I cannot say yet if I am going through a lot of changes because right now not much is changing in the visible but this could be a transformation similar to a larva that is sleeping in the cocoon and it will become a butterfly.
But what would happen if I did not sleep so much and instead dedicate this time towards doing something practical ?
Well... this I do not know because I do not do it. I would have to sleep less and see. But then I am in the process of reducing the sleep. Though I do it in a soft way allowing myself to sleep when I feel like it. In the past I did it in the hard way and I was not completely pleased with the results. I slept less but I had my "BUT" to it.
Anyway now it is getting late and I still need to do my meditation. So this is the end.