I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Today I had a very busy day at work. Somehow I managed to deal with it very good and I even managed to do some work on the computer in the evening and until late at night. So altogether this was a very effective day. But tomorrow I have a day off and I will go for a trip to the mountains to see the lakes and waterfalls.
I do not know what else I could write. And the problem is that it is very late. I cannot wait any longer and think what I could write about.
Here is another important realisation when it comes to positive thinking. It is important to be consistent because otherwise we will loose the benefits of it. We build up some energy with the positive thinking but then we lose it quickly on silly things. I did it many times in my past. But I do not want to repeat the same mistakes any more. It is boring. I want to be consistent and disciplined and stop old patterns. And through this I open the door for new experiences.
This is all for today because it is late and I still have to do my meditation. I will do a shorter version of it but still I need to do it now.