I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I was busy today with work and so I did not have much time for other things. After long break I started posting online my JTL articles few days ago but since then I have not done anything more. I got busy with work and I also made couple of trips to the mountains. I will not stress myself about it. I want to do it and I do it when I can.
What else ?
I see more and more the necessity to stop/reduce my thoughts. Lately I lost my focus and I found myself thinking more. Just before this article I took a break and I did my meditation in which I focused on stopping my thoughts. I immediately feel the difference. My mind is more relaxed and refreshed.
And here is the question about what I could do to maintain this state more often and longer ( ultimately all the time ) ?
I guess it all comes to my priorities. It is all up to me whether I maintain this focus. And then here comes the saying that: "The training makes the master". So I need to do it until I achieve my goal. And of course the moments of weakness are the key transformation moments. If I push myself to stay focused ( although I do not feel like ) instead of giving into the weakness, then I will make significant progress in relatively short period of time.