I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Finally there is more movement in regards to my work. Though today instead of earning money through work I dedicated my time to help somebody for free. This person came with symptoms of depression and so I decided that first we should talk and try to find the cause the problem before I proceed with the treatment. It was a very interesting conversation during which I realised that this person is in the search of answer about what is the purpose of life. And he simply lost his hope that he can find the answers and he accepted that there is no sense in living. Anyway I know that conversation with me uplifted him. We will see if that brings any constructive changes in his life.
Apart from this I do not know what to write.
Again I have done nothing with JTL articles as I was busy with other things.
Yesterday I woke up alone around 6 o'clock and I was fresh. But I stayed in bed I fell asleep. My mistake. Anyway I allow myself to sleep without alarm clock unless I have some appointments and it is interesting that I get up more rested after sleep. But still I would like to reduce the hours I spend in bed sleeping.