I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This was very interesting day. In the morning I had to attend a client. Afterwards I took a car and I went with a friend to the mountains to see the waterfalls after the rain. And then again I attended a client in the evening. What is interesting is that in the short period of time I was literally in a different world. First it was rather warm ( about 21 degrees ) with few clouds. Within 30 min I was in the mountains driving literally through clouds and rain. On the way I stopped few times to see the waterfalls and wash my face and hands in the clean and alive water from the mountains. Then I ate something to warm up because there we had only 8 degrees. And then within 40 min I was at the cost with completely blue sky. I could see behind me the clouds over the mountains but I was in the sun with blue sky. Then I drove back home and I went to see to client. It was so difficult to believe for myself and my friend that within such a short period of time we could experience 2 different worlds. It was amazing.
Anyway today I did not do anything in regards to posting online my JTL articles as I was busy all day. I did not do anything with physical exercises as I decided to give my body a break and allow the muscles to rest and regenerate. But tomorrow I will continue and I look forward to it. After these couple of days of exercises I already see some changes in my body. I see and feel that the muscles start to grow and I am stronger.